

CAAK Lecture 21
19:00-19:30 レクチャー
19:30-20:00 質疑応答
20:00-22:00 パーティ
1973年東京生まれ。早稲田大学大学院を修了後、ロンドン大学東洋アフリカ学院MA課程修了。1999年から森美術館準備室勤務を経て、2003年より現職。担当した企画展に「ライフ」(06年、水戸)、「ジュリアン・オピー」(08年、水戸)、共同企画に「KITA!! Japanese Artists Meet Indonesia」(08年、ジョグジャカルタほか)など。
【主催】CAAK: Center for Art & Architecture, Kanazawa


CAAK Lecture 21
TAKAHASHI Mizuki Lecture & Party
"No more museum?-The future of Japanese museum in the boom of art projectin the cities"

Date: Monday, March 16, 2009
Time: 19:00-22:00
Venue: Machiya in Teramachi (Teramachi 2-3-4, Kanazawa)
Lecturer: Mizuki Takahshi (Curator)
Admission: 1,500 Yen (CAAK refund 1,000 Yen to whom will not attend the party)
Capacity: 40. Booking Required

Born 1973 in Tokyo. Following a postgraduate degree from Waseda University, received her MA from the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. In 1999 joined team working on preparations for opening of the Mori Art Museum, before moving to current position in 2003. Curatorial portfolio includes Life (2006, Mito), Julian Opie (2008, Mito) and co-curating of KITA!!: Japanese Artists Meet Indonesia (2008, Yogyakarta, and other cities).

Organized by: CAAK, Center for Art & Architecture, Kanazawa
Please send e-mail to office@caak.info with your name and your
contact information. Prior booking required due to the limited space.
URL: http://www.caak.info

The lecture will be in Japanese.


CAAK, Center for Art & Architecture, Kanazawa
URL: http://www.caak.info/
blog: http://blog.caak.info/
mail: office@caak.info
